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Liminal Soul Healing

Akashic Records, Reiki and Soul Contract Renegotiation


About Me

I have 39 years' experience as a registered nurse. I have a Master's Degree from Duke University and am a certified Family Nurse Practitioner. My passions and gifts include energy healing modalities, practicing as a Reiki Master, Akashic Records Healings, and Soul Contract Renegotiations through the Akashic Records. 


I enjoy traveling the world and have a passion for mentoring and guiding others who have an interest in energy healing.

"The wound is the place where the light enters you."


My Offerings


Akashic Records Reading

Akasha is a Sanskrit word which means cosmos, an ethereal substance. Your Akashic Records hold the story of all of your soul’s evolution from its creation until the present time. Consider this a cosmic library to your soul. Why use the Akashic Records? They are useful for providing you information on why certain situations, people and relationships have progressed or halted, based on your soul essence. It’s not as heady as it sounds. Your Akashic Records are pragmatic, and you have the ability to heal your life using them.​ This is a distance healing session via Zoom or phone.

​Session: 60 minutes

Cost: $150


Long Distance Reiki Session

Reiki is a powerful ancient form of energetic healing which balances the energy centers of the body. This transmission is delivered energetically at a specified time, from practitioner to client.  I also intuitively use energetic grids and crystals to activate the healing.  This is delivered energetically after a discovery call or email to gather information from the client. ​Session: 60 minsCost: $150


Soul Contract Renegotiation

Soul contract renegotiation is done while having the client's Akashic Records open. This allows information from the client's guides and beings of light to come through to help restore Karmic balance and to clear energetic trauma and residue from past lifetimes/reincarnations.  Sometimes situations from a past life can influence decisions in your current life. You have guides to help you renegotiate your soul contract for your own benefit and healing. This  is a long distance healing via Zoom or phone.​

Session: 90 mins

Cost: $225

Expanding the Akashic Records using Dowsing – 
Sunday, July 14, 2024, 10 am – 2 pm EST
  • I will teach you elements of the ancient art of dowsing. You will learn techniques to balance and neutralize energies in your life that have been restricting your health and prosperity. In learning these techniques, we can also discover ways to heal the collective energies as well.

This is an online event.  Email for further questions or details. Digital handouts are provided upon registration and payment. Cost: $425 USD. Returning students please contact Ann for pricing.

Akashic Records –
Saturday, July 13, 2024 10 am – 6 pm EST
  • What are the Akashic Records? Akasha is a Sanskrit word that means cosmos, an ethereal substance. Your Akashic Records hold the story of your soul’s evolution from its creation until the present time. Consider this a cosmic library to your soul. 

  • Why use the Akashic Records? They are useful for providing you with information on why certain situations, people, and relationships have affected your life, based on your soul essence. It’s not as heady as it sounds. Your Akashic Records are pragmatic, and you can heal situations while utilizing them. 

Leaf Pattern Design


Through Ann’s Akashic Records session, I learned how past lives have impacted my current life circumstances. With Ann’s skilled expertise, she provided an objective lens to see all aspects of my current question within a safe space, and provided hope for my future. Ann’s Distance Reiki sessions are wonderful, absolutely amazing, and very healing. I also love how Ann integrates her intuitive gifts within her card readings. I absolutely love Ann and highly recommend all of her sessions! You will be so glad you did!

Katie Stiel, Tennessee

The thing that I love about working with Ann is that there are so many different aspects to her intuitive nature. Regardless of what you set out to accomplish in your conversation with her, she always has an abundance of information to share that will help you on your path. Her energy carries with it an inherent "taking care of you" vibe that makes you trust in her knowledge, wisdom and guidance. She tells it like it is, and offers a enjoyable level of humor along the way. Ann is the real deal, and you'll most definitely enjoy your time with her!

Courtney Capes

Ann brings her whole toolkit to the healing, which feels like a thoughtful conversation and the touch of sass her and her guides are known for.

Dr. Danny Cortese


I have had the privilege of working with Ann Hyatt Poplin through our Akashic Records training. Ann was my partner and as soon as we met for the first time I knew it was meant to be. Ann has the most generous heart, unwavering commitment and a beautiful soul. She is a gifted healer using several modalities including Reiki, Akashic Records, Triad and many others. She is devoted to her craft and consistently studies healing therapies to bring the best experience to each unique individual. Besides her talents, she is funny, relatable and sincere. The readings and work she has done for me have been nothing short of exemplary, leaving me to feel better, clearer and grateful. If you have the opportunity to meet with Ann, don’t let it pass. You will not be disappointed.

Susan Hull Osbourne

If you’ve ever met someone and you couldn’t wait to know them better because they were just that beguiling, you’ll know what I felt the first gathering I attended with Ann Hyatt Poplin. 


Was it Ann’s wry wit and earthy wisdom? Was it her specific and crystal clear insight that she offered to each and every woman in the circle? Or was it her immense generosity of spirit that fostered a sense of safety and inclusion? To spend time with Ann Hyatt Poplin is to have access to all of this and more. 


Ann’s depth of knowledge re; expansion and healing is impressive but I was especially drawn to her expertise with the Akashic records. I’d just dipped my spiritual toes into the Akashic records water when Ann offered me the opportunity to learn more about my soul’s journey. I knew enough to know that I didn’t know very much; mercifully, Ann’s skill and sensitivity helped me to fully participate in my reading. As a mentor and a guide, you can trust and believe in Ann’s commitment to your growth, your alignment, and your contribution to any situation’s highest good. 


Ann Hyatt Poplin is a gifted spiritual leader and she is also an absolute hoot. I guarantee that when you spend time with her, you’ll probably shed a tear or two from laughing until your face hurts and crying because you’ve let yourself release what no longer serves you. Trust Ann to create the clearing for what you and your spirit needs. You’re worth it!


Kelly O'Keefe-Boettcher

Get in Touch

Lilesville, NC  

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